College, students' hostel
Batthyányi Lajos Szakképzõ Iskola és Kollégium |
Cím: 8500 Pápa, Külsõ-Veszprémi út 2.
Telefon 89/313-155
Cím: 2890 Tata, Tanoda tér 5.
Telefon 34/587-450 Fax 34/587-455 E-mail: csomone@freemail.hu Nyitva tartás júniustól szeptemberig
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Esztergom Város Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipai Szakközépiskolája és Szakiskolája |
Cím: 2500 Esztergom, Katona István u. 1.
Telefon 33/523-065 Fax 33/523-065
Szolgáltatásaink: We await our guests in the green belt area with our 2 bed and 2 x 2 bed apartments of high standard
of furnishings, all en suite and mini kitchen. There is rebate for children, students and groups. It is budget
accommodation for school class excursions. The 800 people function room, the large car park ensure ideal
venue for conferences, trainings, weddings. |
Cím: 2890 Tata, Új út 19.
Telefon 34/587-580 Fax 34/587-588 Nyitva tartás július 1-tõl augusztus 31-ig
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Kisfaludy Sándor Gimnázium és Kollégium |
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Magyar-Angol Tannyelvû Gimnázium és Kollégium |
Modern Üzleti Tudományok Fõiskolája Kollégiuma |
Szolgáltatásaink: The Modern Üzleti Tudományok Fõiskolája (College for Modern Business Sciences) has two hostels. In the hostel in ’STÚDIUM tér’, there are 46 double rooms with wash-hand basin alcoves, on three floors. The hostel in ’KOMÁROMI út’ accommodates 256 people. There are four beds per room, the rooms are equipped with furniture and fixtures to varying extent. They are complete with bathrooms or shower stalls on the first floor and the ground floor, and have wash-hand basin alcoves on the other three floors. In both hostels, there are lounge/TV-room, equipped kitchen, common sanitary facility on each floor. Each room is equipped with telephone set that can be used with ’MATÁV wandering card’ and called directly from anywhere. The majority of rooms has facilities providing direct connection to Internet. Self- catering. |
Cím: 2800 Tatabánya, Komáromi út 42/B.
Telefon 34/331-606 Fax 34/304-860 E-mail: kolesz02@axelero.hu Nyitva tartás non stop
Szolgáltatásaink: Reasonably priced and good quality rooms are waiting group travellers, tourists, student groups, travellers in the Dormitory of the College of Modern Business Studies
72 rooms are waiting for you. The train station, the bus station and the M1 highway are 2-2 minutes away; Internet is available on the ground floor computer room as well as in the rooms. Enquire about our prices on the phone number listed above! |