Királyi Régió Borászati Katalógusa
 Badacsonyi borvidék
 Balatonfelvidéki borvidék
 Balatonfüred-csopaki borvidék
 Etyek-budai borvidék
 Móri borvidék
 Neszmélyi borvidék
 Somlói borvidék

 College, students' hostel
 Guest house
 Lodge, motel, pension
 Paying guest service
 Recreaition centre
 >> Tourist hotel
 Youth hostel
 Casino, gaming hall
 Catering devices
 Catering music
 Coffee bar
 Confectioner's, ice-bar
 Disco, bar
 Fast-food restaurant, pizzeria
 Pancakes, hamburgers
 Party organization
 Restaurant, tavern
 Snack bar, bistro
 Sport, recreation centre
 Wine bar, brasserie
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Település (irányítószám):
Botanikai séták a Károlyi Kastély parkjában 
2025-02-13 16:09:11
"Életeket menthetünk!"
2025-02-06 11:00:38
Egyre népszerűbb az ONYA
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A 60 éves Bányász Színpad a színpadon
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2024 a második legsikeresebb beruházási év volt
2025-02-04 14:14:15
Tourist hotel

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Badacsony Fogadó(volt Egry)
Cím: 8258 Badacsonytomaj, Római.u.1.
Telefon 87/471-057
Nyitva tartás H.-V.:7,00-22,00
WinecellarAnglingHorse-ridingRestaurantPizzeriaBeer pubWatercraft for hireBicycle for hireNo. of rooms/bedsDance, musicConference roomTennisMassagePastry-shopDartsPierFootball pitchHoliday cheque

Bakonyerdõ Zrt-Vadászházak
Cím: 8500 Pápa, Jókai utca 46.
Telefon 89/513-132
Fax 89/513-167
Hirdetés Megtekintéshez kattintson ide!

Bakonyvári Vadszõlõ Szálló és Étterem
Cím: 8427 Bakonybél, Fürdõ út 45.
Telefon 88/461-105
Fax 88/461-105
Nyitva tartás egész évben
FridgePrivate parking facilityRoom with bathRestaurantNo. of rooms/bedsVillage accomodationTelevision

Csákányospusztai Turistaház és Altábor
Cím: 2800 Tatabánya, Köztársaság u. Jubileum Park
Telefon 34/311-151
Fax 34/311-151
Nyitva tartás turistaház egész évben, altábor: 05.01-10.31
Szolgáltatásaink: The tourist house and camping site situated in the mountains of Vértes. To find it you need to know the route of the National Blue Tour (Kék Túra). The way you get there is by car on the route 100, by train from Szárliget station follow the blue footpath for 1,8 miles or on foot start at the end of the route bus 5 (Felsőgalla, bus stop) and go on the footpath for 1,5 miles. Discount for the schools in the forest from Monday to Friday. Further information on the phone.
No. of rooms/bedsBarbecueFridgeRoom with bathPing-pongKitchenVolleyballCamping siteTelevisionPlaying groundFootball pitch

Csokonai Mûvelõdési Központ
Cím: 2900 Komárom, Kelemen L. u. 7.
Telefon 34/342-208
Fax 34/540-064
Szolgáltatásaink: This camp is situated in a romantic pinewood in the district Koppánymonostor of the town Komárom only 2 minutes from River Danube. There are 11 wooden bungalows with shower and toilet (6 of them with heating) of a total capacity of 84 people. There are an activity room of 84 square metres, a dining room and a function room at command, which offer excellent opportunities for parallel activities both for holidaymakers and companies.
living accomodationConference roomKitchenBreakfastCamping siteNo. of rooms/bedsWater-side ... mFridgeBarbecueEvent managementPrivate parking facilityTelephoneTelevisionBilliardFootball pitchPing-pong

Cuhavölgye Vendégház
Cím: 8431 Vinye, Vinye 15
Telefon 70/510-89-50
Nyitva tartás egész évben
Szolgáltatásaink: Our guest house is located in Vinye, 30 km from Zirc, along Cuha stream in the heart of Bakony. We are waiting for our guests self-supporting kitchen, spacious eating place and lounge. The immediate environment can be ideal point of departure for bicycle and walking tours, mountaineering and cave tours.At heart of mountains of Bakony on the brook of Cuha 30 km from town of Zirc, 40 km of Győr away (good ccessibility both by train or road) we expect the visitors in our guest house in Vinye. Spacious dining room / lounge, full equipped kitchen are at disposal. Excellent opportunities nearby for walking, cycling, climbing, cave exploring.
baby friendlyliving accomodationGarden placeKitchenDogs allowedNon-smokingCamping siteNo. of rooms/bedsFridgePlaying groundBicycle storage placeBarbecuePrivate parking facilityTelevisionFootball pitchBicycle for hireHorse-ridingPing-pong

Detrich Vendégház
Cím: 8175 Balatonfűzfő, Balaton Krt. 27.
Telefon 88/451-527
Nyitva tartás Májustól októberig
Szolgáltatásaink: We have rooms to let by preorder in Balatonfûzfõ. The rooms are in the loft, have own entrances, TV and parking places. Price: 1600 Ft/ person/ night + tax on tourism. We ensure breakfast by request.
FridgePrivate parking facilityRoom with bathNo. of rooms/bedsBarbecueVillage accomodationBicycle storage placeTelevision

Dunaferr Hotel, Office Hotel
Cím: 2400 Dunaújváros, Építõk útja 2.
Telefon 25/500-479,Fax:25/412-030
Fax 25/412-030
Nyitva tartás egész évben
Szolgáltatásaink: Hotel Dunaferr lies in the centre of town near to sports facilities such as the swimming pool, the entertainment bath, institutions of culture, not far away from some restaurants and places of entertainment.
Room with bathsuitedebit/credit cardFridgeTelevisionNo. of rooms/beds

Dunaliget Üdülõ
Cím: 2028 Pilismarót, Dunapart, Akácfa u. 3.
Telefon 34/522-220, 33/471-178, 70/920-9980, 30/929-2940
Fax 34/522-221
Nyitva tartás 05.01-09.15-ig
Szolgáltatásaink: 100 metres far away from the Danube, in the heart of the Danube-bend, for class trips, freshman and summer camps, individual or family holidays and other programmes. Park, restaurant for 120 people, great cuisine, swimming-pool, buffet, place to make fire, sport courts, private parking places. Great trip routes in the Pilis mountain. We wait everybody with love.
WinecellarAnglingPrivate garden poolPrivate parking facilityRoom with bathPing-pongRestaurantDogs allowedWater-side ... mNo. of rooms/bedsBarbecueConference roomTelephoneVolleyballPierCamping siteBicycle storage placePlaying ground
Private garden poolFootball pitchHoliday cheque

Erdõk Háza
Cím: 8427 Bakonybél, Szt. Gellért tér 9.
Telefon 88/461-245, 461-241, 87/555-291
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