Recreaition centre
Agárdi Termál-és Gyógyfürdõ |
Cím: 2484 Gárdony-Agárd, Határ út
Telefon 22/579-230 Fax 22/579-249 Nyitva tartás H.-P.:8.00-22.00, V.:8.00-19.00 Hirdetés Megtekintéshez kattintson ide!
Csitáry G. Emil Uszoda és Strand |
Cím: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Mészöly G. u.
Telefon 22/327-655,Fax:22/502-600 Fax 22/502-600 E-mail: info@csitaryuszoda.hu Honlap: www.csitaryuszoda.hu Nyitva tartás H-P.: 5.30-21.00, Szo.: 6.00-20.00, V.: 7.00-20.00
Szolgáltatásaink: There is a large-scale competition swimming pool of the town with a total capacity of 600 people, built in 1990. In summer, fleeing the hot sun, you can find refreshment in the outdoor bath with its wonderful
plants. In this facility focused on children the visitor can find loads of wooden toys, a swimming pool and a sand box for children, places for ball games. |
Pápai Gyógy- és Termálfürdő |
Szolgáltatásaink: THERMAL BATHS, SWIMMING-POOL, OPEN-AIR SWIMMING-POOL, MEDICINE – It can give offer every member of the family unforgettable experiences with its 12 pools, 4 huge and 2 children’s slides, wellness services and sports facilities throughout the year. The treatments which are available in the therepeutic centre of the thermal baths can be a solution for locomotive disorder. |
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Szolgáltatásaink: The VILLAPARK of VÁRGESZTES offers during the year top class relaxation to all who love nature,
sports and culture. There are excellent facilities both for arranging different programmes or families with
children, circles of friends wanting to spend their free time useful. |
Wekerle Sándor Szabadidõ Központ |
Szolgáltatásaink: Arrangement for sports and cultural events, organisation of training camps for different kinds of sports: competition and training swimming pools, Finnish sauna, Jacuzzi, solarium, infra cabin and beautiful surroundings. All these await the guests visiting us in the region of the renowned wine: “Ezerjó (Thousandgood)”. |
WF Építõipari és Szolgáltató Kft. |
Cím: 2900 Komárom, Laktanya köz 9.
Telefon 34/343-700 Fax 34/341-768 E-mail: wf@wf.axelero.net